A magnificent Hump Day Hiatus

Drones have changed the landscape of nature photography like nothing else ever has, making possible dramatic views that would never have been possible before, even with a helicopter. This film will let you soar over the of the many beautiful and majestic sights of Utah, California and Hawaii. Enjoy your hiatus!

It’s break time!

If you need a little break, take this mini armchair vacation and arrive back in town refreshed and rejuvenated. Your destination: the great city of Chicago. City In Motion from Drone Media Chicago on Vimeo.

want to get away?

It’s understandable. It’s been a week already, and it’s only Wednesday. How about a little mini-vacation to refresh and recharge? You need this. Order up! This is a delightful and pleasant trip down the coast from SF 2 LA. Here it is, your Hump Day Hiatus. SF2LA Trip – 2015 from Gary Paitre on Vimeo.

One sumptuous HDH!

“HDH? What’s that,” you say? It’s the celebrated Hump Day Hiatus, known world-wide for its ability to transport visitors (known as “Hiatees”) in the opposite direction of stress, anxiety, boredom and tedium each and every Wednesday (aka Hump Day). This is a particularly effective dose, I think you’ll agree. Please view in full screen mode. Take a deep breath. Let …

Music Video Thursday

Because what do you think #tbt means??? It means Music Video Thursday! Duh. And here at the site of The Internet’s Most Salubrious Blog, Thursdays are reserved for – obviously – music therapy. If that’s what you’re looking for, trust us when we tell you: we will never let you down. As proof, watch this video, “I Won’t Let You …

This Beautiful Planet

The Hump Day Hiatus has taken its travelers far afield week after week, just in time for the mid-week blahs. Well, here is another spectacular corner of this amazing planet, and it’s not even a place you’ve probably ever heard of before. There are just that many breath-taking places, that’s all. This time the location happens to be Norway. It’s …