Fresh news!

Yes, here it is, the latest issue. Remember the name Ryan Heckendorn? He sent us a story of amazing weight loss exactly one year ago. In connection with our cover story (why is it so hard to lse weight – and then keep it off???), we check in with Ryan for an update. Is he another one of those “lost …

Read all about it!

What, you ask? All kinds of good stuff that encourages good health. And none of the weird stuff. Click away!

Your paper has arrived

A picture says a thousand words. This picture says ten thousand. Click to read some of them.

Our 10th Anniversary Issue!!!

Issue #1, dated July 1, 2006, was 240 issues ago. 24 issues per year x 10 equals 240. That makes this issue #241, the first issue of our second decade. Even though we use a fair amount of ink talking about our first ten years, we still had enough left over to cover important topics like avoiding prescription errors, beating …


As usual, more interesting and salubrious reading than it would seem possible to fit in a publication this size, thanks to our handy new state-of-the-art AS-6000 (Article Squeezer 6000). Read on and you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about.

We haven’t published an issue this good…

…in at least two weeks. Inside: A Bad Billy Laveau instant classic. And the PERFECT book for bathroom reading. See From the Bookshelf on page 11. Our two cover stories are also worthy of your perusal. When your 16-year-old son drowns, your life can descend into endless grief. Or you can try to make something positive out of the tragic …

What’s black, white, and read all over?

Answer: The Medical Examiner, although to be fair, it also has blue, green, yellow, red… pretty much the whole spectrum. If you don’t believe that, click over to page 16 for proof. On that same page: where Pink Floyd and healthcare intersect. Also: the debut of a new series sponsored by Queensborough National Bank profiling exceptional figures in Augusta’s long …

We do a 180°

Oh, there are a few jokes in their usual spot (page 13), but not the wall-to-wall jocularity of the April 1 issue. In fact, story #1 addresses the tragic and growing problem of pain pill addiction. And urologist Darren Mack pulls back the curtain on Ten Things to Know About Testicular Cancer. Yeah, it’s a 180 all right. But we’re …

This issue is a real yawner

The cover story is, anyway. It’s about the mystery of why we yawn. Researchers can’t quite figure it out. It’s a fascinating subject. Even so, expect to yawn as you read it. Plus a couple of dozen other intriguing topics, including all you’d ever want to know about cooking oils. Clip and save! This post is #1,111 on this blog.

Your 2-D version is here.

And ironically, it’s about unplugging. Digital detox. Cutting infobesity. In fact, the National Day of Unplugging is officially from sundown tonight through sundown tomorrow. Let’s give it a try, shall we? It won’t be easy. And if we happen to slip up, not looking at a phone or tablet for 23-1/2 hours in the next 24 is still probably a …