Music Therapy

Over the years I had the privilege to see Dan Hicks in concert numerous times, from college concert halls to smokey little clubs, with and without His Hot Licks. His death a few days ago was sad news, indeed. Here is a 2001 live performance from San Francisco of his magnum opus, I Scare Myself, with an ensemble cast of …

Music Therapy: Double Shot

And BLACK is the word for the day. Let us begin with Jon Batiste doing a slick rendition of the Beatles classic tune Blackbird. Then we can roll straight into another live performance, this one The Black Keys performing Ten Cent Pistol. Sound good? Ok then, gentlemen: take it away.

Music Therapy, Nashville Style

From time to time the question arises, “Uh, what’s the deal with music when your newspaper is the Medical Examiner?” In answer we re-post the image to the left, which summarizes the point rather well. As we often note, many things with preventive or curative powers don’t originate from a doctor or a pharmacist. Music is one of those things. …

V is for Video

While the rest of the known world celebrates TBT, we use Thursdays for musical interludes. However, there is nothing wrong with combining the two. Feel free to listen to this while you look at TBT pix. That is legal in most states. This is also suitably quiet and mellow, making it SFW even if no vintage pictures are within sight. …