Indeed, as it states below, we are not too proud to beg. The quest? Once upon a time, the Medical Examiner regularly ran stories written by readers, detailing their assorted medical adventures. Some were hilarious. Others absolutely tragic. The feature was called Medicine in the First Person. It would be great if we could once again say the feature is …
We pretty much break the mold with every post of the world-famous Hump Day Hiatus each and every Wednesday. Having said that, this is perhaps the uniquest of the unique. Hope you enjoy this little mid-week break (we’re using that word in the hiatus sense, not, hopefully, the fracture sense). And please, try not to laugh at these poor ladies. …
That’s Exactly How I Meant To Do It
On Fridays between issues of the Medical Examiner, we like to show people who are out there raising the bar for us all. They could be at home sitting in the La-Z-Boy, but instead they’re out there doing something, making plans and then bringing those plans to life in spectacular ways. To wit:
I meant to do this
Nothing is sweeter than a plan that comes together like peanut butter and jelly, like ice cream and marinara sauce, like tuna fish and marshmallows. In short, like these plans came together.
Exactly how I meant to do it
I am often asked, “What does it look like when the human spirit is captured at the exact moment when some lofty pinnacle of noble achievement is reached?” Some answers are shown below.
Music Therapy
Music is what we do here on Thursdays, as you know. Switching gears (but not really), you’ve probably seen the tattoo that reads “Skate or Die.” You probably have it inked on your body. After watching this music video, I think you’ll realize it should read “Skate and/or Die.” Yes, boys and girls, this is why your mother told you …
Exactly how they planned it
People often complain about things not working as they’re supposed to, or plans that fail despite careful preparations. To prove that some things work out perfectly and exactly as planned, here are several nifty moves carried out with amazing precision. Watch and be impressed.
Just how we drew it up
On the Fridays between Medical Examiner issues we like to do a little thing we call That’s Exactly How I Meant To Do It. It’s not what you intend to do that matters; it’s all in the flawless execution of your plan. Sterling examples follow.
Just how they drew it up
On Fridays in between Medical Examiner issues we offer a gallery of people who made a plan and then executed the plan to perfection. Ready?
That’s EXACTLY How I Meant To Do It
Every other Friday a new issue of the Medical Examiner appears in this space. The in-betweener Fridays feature people doing it just like they drew it up.
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