Merely attempting something noteworthy is, well, noteworthy. But when perfection is achieved, that is a shining moment indeed, for the attemptee, yes, but in a larger sense for all of humanity. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the people shown below for elevating the scope of human endeavor in such exceptional ways.
Exactly how I meant to do it
I am often asked, “What does it look like when the human spirit is captured at the exact moment when some lofty pinnacle of noble achievement is reached?” Some answers are shown below.
Exactly as I planned it, Winter Edition
On ordinary Fridays – as opposed to Examiner Fridays – this is the place to see people executing their plans to utter perfection. People are awesome, as you can plainly see.
Have a hiatus on us!
On this Hump Day #26 of the year – that’s right, this week is the mid-point of 2014 – you deserve a twin break. You’ve not only made it halfway through the week, you have navigated exactly one half of the aforementioned year of our Lord 2014. As a special reward, we are herewith supplying you not one but TWO …