Audio-Visual Therapy!

What we normally call simply Music Therapy is instead on this day “audio-visual” therapy. Why? Well, with no disrespect to the musicians intended, this dazzling, stunning, beautiful, captivating, entrancing and enchanting video (I would say more, but my thesaurus is in the shop) would be awesome with no sound. Does the song and sound enhance the visuals even further? I …

Pipe Dreams

That’s the title of this week’s celebrated Hump Day Hiatus. I saw a teaser for this on last night’s CBS Evening News and I thought my intended post for today was blown. But they showed maybe 10 seconds of this beautiful and adrenalinized piece of splendid cinematography. So please, enjoy it in all of its uncut splendor, compliments of the …

Sympathy? Or empathy?

Here is a brief video (2:53) that puts a fine point something we could all use a bit more of: empathy. But what is it? And how does it differ from sympathy? How can offering sympathy actually be unsympathetic and maybe even come across as callous and dismissive? Watch, and the next time someone needs sympathy, maybe you can offer …


This provides convincing proof of the insanity of texting while driving like nothing I’ve ever seen. Side-by-side in-car cameras simultaneously show the driver and the roadway ahead. It’s frightening. And what is perhaps even scarier: you could be an ardent No-Texting-While-Driving person and still be creamed by one of the drivers you’re about to watch.

Music Therapy

Music is what we do here on Thursdays, as you know. Switching gears (but not really), you’ve probably seen the tattoo that reads “Skate or Die.” You probably have it inked on your body. After watching this music video, I think you’ll realize it should read “Skate and/or Die.” Yes, boys and girls, this is why your mother told you …


We’re sticking to the regular schedule, which is Music Therapy on Thursdays. The following music video is a lot more video than music. It’s more visual than aural. It’s more eyes than ears. That being said, it’s going to be one of the coolest music videos you’ve ever seen, especially the first minute or so. (As visual as it is, …


Enstrovium (the ancient Roman name for Thursday) equals musical capers (squared), such as the one we’re about to enjoy. Boys and girls, you have grown up hearing and saying sentences like, “Have you seen that new song by The Mermaids of Manhattan?” The geezers among us back in the day would only be able to say, “Have you heard that …

A music video

V is for five is for Thursday is for video is for… well, that’s enough for now. But it explains why we do what we do when we do it: music videos on Thursdays. Not to mention the therapeutic effect of music which, unfortunately, seems to have no connections to the letter V. You’ll note the therapeutics clearly here. Not …

V is for Video

On Thursdays, we do music. Like this: Air Review – Young. from MiraRuido on Vimeo.

Cats & Dogs Saturday

Cats & Dogs is sponsored by Boardwalk to Bark Place Kennel & Daycare, Grovetown, GA (706) 5565-8127