University of Augusta? Hold on.

Upon further review, we would like to recast the Medical Examiner’s vote in the Name The University Game. Previously, we endorsed the University of Augusta. For all the talk of branding, we say branding schmanding. For us, the name has nothing to do with branding. However, Augusta is a name of note around the world in a way few other cities our size are, courtesy mainly of the Masters and Augusta National. It’s nice for graduating students to bear a diploma that has some name recognition. It’s handy during job searches. Even so, it is a little generic.

Try this on for size, however: George Walton University. With credit to Austin Rhodes for bringing it up on the air (not sure if it’s his idea or he was relaying someone else’s nomination), we like it. It has a certain “je ne sais quoi,” an indescribable flair, as well as kind of a big-city feeling, like George Mason or George Washington, other similarly named universities. Conveniently, George Walton is a historical figure of significant local note, as well as an important leader on the state and national level in his day. He died in 1804 here in Augusta after serving as a US senator and congressman, Georgia Chief Justice, and two terms as Governor of Georgia. We think George Walton University sounds great. Just trying to help. A little…

trying to push things along just a little

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