What better time for this subtle reminder? After all, today of all days is when we pledge (however briefly) that this year we’ll get more exercise, eat better, lose those extra pounds, et cetera.
Maybe this can help inspire us to keep our resolutions long enough for them to become habits.
Before the holidays get too far away in the rear view mirror we pass along this PSA from merry olde England, where they apparently do things a bit differently. As blogger GruntDoc said in posting this (see the link below), this is NSFW – unless you work in healthcare and deal with sexually transmitted diseases, in which case it’s mandatory viewing. If you view this, keep in mind that it’s from Britain’s National Health Service. Personally, I can’t imagine this being released here by the US Department of Health and Human Services or the office of the Surgeon General.
LINK: http://www.gruntdoc.com/pics/12-STIS.SWF