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So. What shall we hate today? How about tailgaters?
Imagine this: you are paid once a month, so your paycheck amounts to a considerable sum. Normally you deposit the funds into your bank account, but on this particular day you cash your check and get a mixed stack of hundreds, fifties, twenties and tens. You place these in your wallet or purse. A few minutes later you’re shopping, and to make it easier to look at something you ask a nearby shopper – a total stranger – to hold your purse or wallet.
Would you do that?
I doubt it. But anyone who TAILGATES in traffic is doing exactly that. You’re placing a sizable chunk of your cash into a complete stranger’s hands to do with as they choose. If they’re mature, they’ll ignore you. If they’re immature or irresponsible – or if they need some cash or want a new paint job – all they have to do is slam on their brakes. They can tell the cop whatever they choose, maybe that a dog or a squirrel darted in front of their car. You will be at fault. You will pay for their repairs. You will get a ticket. You will have to appear in court. You will get a certified letter from the attorney of the person you hit, the person who says they can’t work because of neck pain. You will pay their medical bills. You will pay their lost wages. Your insurance will go up – or be cancelled.
Is it really worth all that?
RULE OF THUMB: Maintain at least a 3-second gap between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. As the car ahead passes a shadow, a painted line, a crack in the pavement or some other clearly visible point in the road, count. You should be able to count “One-one-thousand, Two-one thousand, Three-one thousand” before you reach that same location.