Church of the Infinite Chasm

Come, all ye pew fillers!

Here’s a brief nugget to chew on for anyone who is open-minded enough to at least consider the evidence for creation. There is a gaping hole – an infinite chasm, if you will – in evolutionary evidence for a crucially important issue. To use a Darwinian example, finches are said to adapt their beaks to fit their primary local food source. But where did the finches come from?

The great irony of Darwin’s On The Origin of Species is that it is silent on the origin of species. And so is science to this day. In a recent interview, Richard Dawkins, the #1 spokesman for evolution, was pressed to explain, not evolution, but how life itself came about so that it could evolve. That, after all, is the central question. He said he did not know. He said no one knows. But pressed to offer his best educated, plausible and probable scenario of the origin of life on earth, Dawkins said one possibility is that life was “seeded” onto our planet. Details, please. Professor Dawkins suggested that life in some primitive state could have arrived aboard a meteorite which struck the Earth in the ancient past.

Keep in mind, this is Richard Dawkins speaking, the high priest of the Church of Evolution, its #1 advocate, the man who loves to ridicule people who believe in creation. What do you think of his answer? How reasonable do you think his scenario is? From here, it seems incredibly far-fetched to suggest that some life form could survive the vacuum of space, entry into earth’s atmosphere (whatever it may have been back then), plus impact, and then begin the long, blind process of upward evolution.

His answer is not an answer. It simply changes the location of the question. Since we cannot explain how life could spring from non-living matter on Earth, let us say that life came from space. The question remains.
“Categories: Church of the Infinite Chasm

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