Hump Day Hiatus

Well, you’ve made it half-way through the week. Congratulations! Are you feeling a little worn out? A little unhappy with your lot in life?

By way of taking your hump day hiatus, take a brief peek into the life of Alonzo Clemons. It will take you about two seconds to see what he can’t do. But check out what he can do.
There’s a lesson in this for every one of us.
One example: have you ever scoffed, even if only in your private thoughts, at the term differently-abled? As if it’s just another phrase contrived to appease political correctness? You just may see the wisdom and accuracy of “differently-abled” about four minutes from now.

A Good Life, Too: Alonzo Clemons from The Good Line on Vimeo.


  1. what was the name of the wig wearing walking stick sassafras man in Lafayette ? We run across interesting and artistic all the time,but are mostly going too fast to notice.

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