It’s another fresh new issue!

And it’s a doozie! (Or do you say doozy?) Looking for home-grown natural foods at markets, restaurants and farmstands? Kim Beavers (of WRDW’s “Eating Well with Kim” fame) dishes on all the best spots. And what about local/home-grown versus organic? She’ll fill you in there too. Also in this issue, a quite memorable Medicine in the First Person. We’ll call those two articles this issue’s highlights.

There is something special about this digital edition: the print version, alas, accidentally contains the same Sudoku as the April 18 issue, but the Sudoku solution for this May 2 issue. It’s like some kind of wrinkle in the time-space continuum. But this digital edition has that corrected: a new Sudoku and its correct solution. Sadly, that is just one of several corrections. But here’s exciting news: If YOU are the person who e-mails with the longest list of mistakes in the May 2 print edition which are CORRECTED in the digital edition, YOU WIN A 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to the Medical Examiner! Grab your #2 pencil and start searching! Help us stamp out tpyos!

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