Can’t believe I didn’t post this first thing this morning here. It was online at bright and early, though.
Just in time for Saturday breakfast, this issue’s cover story: how Victorians chowed down big time and didn’t suffer the consequences. And how you and I can party like it’s 1899. Hint: the key is what we do when we’re not at the table.
Elsewhere in this issue, med student Ross Everett offers his first annual Georgia healthcare State of the State address; Bad Billy dishes on a recent turtle encounter; teenager Catherine Cox gives us a first-hand account of living with cerebral palsy; and Helen Blocker-Adams updates a column she wrote in 2011 about a milestone event of 1954, exactly 60 years ago tomorrow (Saturday). Added to all that is Pharmacy 411; a delicious and healthful recipe; a sudoku; a crossword; jokes; a book review; and more than we can list here. After all, the internet is only so big.