Church Chat

As regular readers know, the founding credo of the Church of the Infinite Chasm is offering points of reasoning to open-minded people who happen to believe in evolution. The ultimate goal: to help them realize that there is an infinite chasm between their belief and solid proof establishing said belief. A casual observer would never suspect such a dearth of proof: at every turn, scientists of every stripe will drop phrases into conversations, scientific literature, and media interviews: “the blue-footed booby has adapted the ability to…” “vultures have evolved a penchant for…” “we inherited from primates our talent for…”

In addition, seemingly solid scientific research is released on a daily basis that seems to point toward absolutely conclusive proof that evolution is a fact. Most people are convinced. That includes a lot of church-going Christians, by the way. They will tell you they believe in Jesus. But not the allegorical characters of Genesis, Adam and Eve. Press them on why Jesus came to earth (which their own Bible says was to “buy back” what Adam lost), and they get a little fuzzy on the details. But that’s another subject.

neytiri_avatar_movie_2-t2For today, here is a single word to ponder: imagination. The ability to imagine, to visualize, to invent, to dream, is uniquely human. This ability has no counterpart in the animal kingdom. This solely human trait is profoundly deep; it is virtually limitless. We can envision worlds that have never existed and then bring them to life in stunning detail. Can you say Avatar? Then you know what I’m talking about. And you have this ability. You can dream up a menu for tonight’s dinner or a bookcase or a landscape design for your yard or a painting or a song or a piece of sculpture or a story set 500 years into the past (or the future) or a poem or a new layout for the furniture in your living room or next year’s family vacation or any of a million other concrete or abstract ideas. You can take them from the ethereal circuitry of your brain to reality. We do it every day.

No other creatures have this faculty. Why? What solid facts – repeat: solid facts – would an evolutionary scientist offer to explain this ability? How, if we evolved from primitive life forms, did we alone develop this virtually unlimited ability?

It’s kind of embarrassing to admit this, but after extolling the virtues of our “limitless” imaginations, it’s hard to imagine what possible proof they could provide.

Categories: Church of the Infinite Chasm”

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