I love honesty. It’s a great concept, and in nearly every situation too. (There are exceptions, such as the does-this-dress-make-me-look-fat exception.) A great place for honesty is in nutrition and health. Look at these cupcakes. They are honest. They fairly scream words like sugary-sweet, fattening, guilty pleasure, artery-clogging, Red Dye #2 – and delicious. They aren’t fake. You’ve got to like that in a cupcake. Or even two.
By contrast, look at this low-life bread (below). For the record, the image was straight-up when we posted it. Now it’s sideways for no reason we can figure other than possibly trying to make its complete label hard to read. Looking at the picture, you would think this is the most wholesome bread ever baked: goodness, all natural, wholesome harvest, 9 grains, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, fiber, and so on and so forth. Good stuff, right? Well, not really. Item #1 in the ingredients listing was enriched flour. What’s wrong with that? Flour is enriched when it has had most of its nutrients processed out of it, and thus needs to be artificially rejuvenated (aka enriched) to restore what was processed out. That is not a good thing. The original goodies are nearly always much better than the replacements.
The bottom line: I like to eat healthy, but I would rather eat an honest cupcake than a dishonest slice of bread any day of the week.