I Love Monday


There’s a lot to love about coffee, that’s for sure. Despite what is shown here, I happen to drink mine with cream after years as a die-hard black coffee man. In fact, if you look at the picture below you can see my actual desktop and a few of the most important tools of my trade. Front and center, of course, is a steaming cup of coffee. Today’s mug features a sterling self-portrait by my grandson Jackson. Behind him is an array of reference materials. Thanks to these seven books, a typical issue of the Medical Examiner has fewer than a dozen typos and another dozen grammatical errors, so obviously I value these books highly and use them often. Not often enough, apparently, but often.
The Roget’s was a gift from my brother Andy, and the dictionary a gift from my lovely wife. Evidently they read my paper and knew my needs. I will recommend Woe Is I by Patricia T O’Conner to anyone and everyone as an excellent and very readable guide to proper grammar. You can tell from the title that, while it’s useful and accurate, it doesn’t take itself too seriously.

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