We’ve made it halfway through the week with our noses to the grindstone. We’ve earned a short HUMP DAY HIATUS to recharge ye olde batteries and complete the week with the same energy we’ve shown thus far.
And so, here are two very different options to choose from. Your first choice has scarcely a whisper of the natural world in evidence; the second video just barely gives humans a cameo appearance. One is big city. The other is mostly wilderness. The first one offers mellow music; the soundtrack of the second relentlessly builds its pulsing power. What the videos share: they’re both a sumptuous feast for your eyes and ears, and they’ll set you back about four minutes and change apiece.
Which one will you like better?
STREETS – NEW YORK CITY from Tim Sessler on Vimeo.
Solstice from STURGEFILM on Vimeo.
Go full screen on both for maximum enjoyment.