Church Chat

As we discuss our frequent topic – evolution versus creation – there is a common sub-theme that has surfaced several times, that being our assertion that the #1 reason for atheism is religion. Undoubtedly there is good in all religions. Without doubt, the loft principles religions teach are not practiced by a certain percentage of their followers, whether they are simple pew-fillers or the highest officials. In other words, you can’t necessarily judge a religion by individual followers of that religion. You might see superb individuals following a nut case religion, or total losers who affiliate themselves with a wonderful religion.

A better measure of a faith is the beliefs it teaches, and here is where people run for the hills in droves. Take a given Bible verse (if we’re discussing Christian faiths) and it would not be unusual if ten different religions explained that verse ten different ways. Having said that, one caveat is that the Bible is not exactly front and center in the religious world, ironically enough. The man who is perhaps the foremost religious leader on the planet (the Pope) recently offered his Top 10 secrets for a happy life ( There was not a single direct Bible reference in the entire list, let alone scriptural principles.

Anyone contemplating religion could read the Pope’s list – suggestions like be generous, live and let live, eat together as a family, slow down, learn to relax – and think, that’s not religion; that’s just a bland mixture of pop psychology 101 and common sense.

When it comes to actual religious teachings, however, the chaos and confusion is all over the map. Jesus is God. No he isn’t, he’s the son of God. He is not! He was simply a good man, nothing more. God is Allah. No, Jesus is God! No, God’s name is Jehovah. All religions lead to heaven. No, only mine does! There is only one true God. That’s wrong! God is a trinity of the father, the son and the holy ghost. Wrong! There are millions of gods. Only millions? God is in everything. He’s everywhere. No, he isn’t! He lives in heaven.

It’s exhausting and confusing. And often, as alluded to above, conflicting views are “proven” using one and the same Bible passage. It’s enough to turn anyone away from religion, to say nothing of the big hair and the constant emphasis on money.

Here is a thought or two for meditation: the abuse of something does not negate or invalidate its proper use. Misinterpretation of something does not automatically suggest that there is no correct interpretation. If twelve different religions teach twelve different doctrines based on a single verse, there are only two possibilities: 1.) eleven of them are wrong and one is right; or 2.) all of them are wrong. The challenge is to find the conclusive truth, and the first step down that path is to accept that that is even a possibility, that there is “truth” in the Bible.

Unfortunately (and ironically) many religions will discourage that view, either inadvertently or directly and intentionally and actively.

No wonder science is the religion of choice for so many.

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