We turn our 100,000 candlepower spotlights on two cover stories this issue: preventing strokes (always important this time of year in Augusta) and speeding. Let’s take a moment here for just one of those: speeding, and why it’s ineffective and illogical. Driving at 60 mph, you’re covering a mile a minute, right? If you spend that entire hour at 65 mph instead, you will have gained a 5-minute advantage over the driver puttering along at 60. But it took you an entire hour to do it. So in your everyday 5- or 10-mile commute, what do you think you’ll gain by driving 65 instead of the posted 55? Or 45 instead of the posted 35? The answer: mere seconds. Literally. And while gaining those seconds you will risk life and limb – not to mention speeding tickets. Is it worth it?