This a fascinating nature film. I always wonder how many long and patient hours it takes to get the amazing footage we see in nature documentaries. This is an amazing glimpse into the natural world.
Your paper has arrived
A picture says a thousand words. This picture says ten thousand. Click to read some of them.
SoMEbODy nEeds tHerApY
I mean, it’s painfully obvious, isn’t it? Here is this week’s music therapy. Ooh Child from Matt and Oz on Vimeo.
And now for something completely different
We have all gotten the email. Dozens of them probably. Maybe hundreds. A Nigerian government official, maybe even a prince, needs your help to transfer tens of millions of dollars out of the country. You have been chosen to assist because of your spotless record of honesty and integrity. For this, you will be handsomely rewarded. This scam works! The …
Our 10th Anniversary Issue!!!
Issue #1, dated July 1, 2006, was 240 issues ago. 24 issues per year x 10 equals 240. That makes this issue #241, the first issue of our second decade. Even though we use a fair amount of ink talking about our first ten years, we still had enough left over to cover important topics like avoiding prescription errors, beating …
Music Therapy in overdrive
You want some music therapy? Check this out. #Sting #RobertDowneyJr
What a hiatus!!!!
This guy, known only as Bruno, probably never has a hiatus (I’m guessing that’s just the way he likes it), but he has created a great place for thousands of others to enjoy theirs – for free. This is awesome and delightful and inspiring all at the same time. #itshumpday
Here’s a good one
Tuesdays are PSA of the Week Day. No, not Prostate Specific Antigen. That’s something else. This PSA is Public Service Announcement. Something that offers a worthwhile reminder on an important topic. By that measure, this one has to rank near the top of the chart.
As usual, more interesting and salubrious reading than it would seem possible to fit in a publication this size, thanks to our handy new state-of-the-art AS-6000 (Article Squeezer 6000). Read on and you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about.
Music therapy
We said last week’s Coldplay video was visually arresting? This is too (maybe more so), but in a completely different way. To get the complete effect, watch full-screen on the biggest screen you can. This is Rawtekk. RAWTEKK Here'sToThem (official video) from denial of service on Vimeo.