June is bustin’ out all over

The June 1 issue is right here in all its glory. Please enjoy responsibly. Open publication – Free publishing – More health


That would be the operative word (winner) to describe Curtis Dove. That’s because our man Curtis unscrambled the mystery word, then located it fiendishly concealed in the ad for Hammond’s Ferry in the Oct. 21 issue of the Medical Examiner (yeah, the one that had Oct. 4 on every page… that one). For his troubles, like driving all over Hammond’s …

Mystery Word Winner!!!

Did you find the hidden Mystery Word in the Oct. 7 issue, the one with Susan Goodman on the cover? Well, you weren’t the only one. But the only winner, to borrow a word from Charlie Sheen, is Cy Li. The one Cy Li. The only Cy Li. I mean, how many Cy Li‘s do you know? Ten? Five? None? …

Mystery Word Winner!

Congratulations to Highly Supreme and Exalted Word Sleuthster Kelly Highland. He managed to locate the cleverly concealed Mystery Word in the September 16 Medical Examiner. The word was “infirmary,” and it was hidden in the page 7 ad for Wild Wing Cafe. Among other goodies, Kelly scores a $20 Wild Wing gift certificate. There he can order a salad that …