I hope you’ll read at least this issue’s cover story. It contains a message we all need to read. On June 1, three boys were killed in a violent collision that police say happened when both vehicles involved ran a red light. With all the publicity that surrounded this tragic event (it can’t really be called an accident), one would …

I have issues.

Here’s one right here, for example: What’s in this puppy? Well, there is a NEW COLUMN DEBUT: “Kid’s Stuff: Notes from a Pediatric Intern” on hot weather hydration; plus Men’s Health on stress; Rene Le Fort and his cadaver research; The Money Doctor on disability insurance; Bad Billy: Why are drugs so expensive?; World Medicine; poison ivy; brain fitness activities; …

PSA of the Week

If you must carry around a can of spray paint and tag everything in sight, at least be creative. Never be crude or vulgar. Whenever possible, make a contribution to public health and the greater good of the community through your graffiti.