As you might have already surmised (today being the middle of the week), the title walk is this week’s Hump Day Hiatus. I can assure you, it’s a walk like no other.
The Himalayas
Yes, boys and girls, that’s our destination for today’s Hump Day Hiatus, your weekly journey to the far corners of the globe – and sometimes beyond. We all need a break sometime. Our armchair journey will be courtesy of a film entitled “The Himalayas at 20,000 ft.” I know what you’re thinking: 20,000 feet isn’t high enough. Not for the …
This Beautiful Planet
The Hump Day Hiatus has taken its travelers far afield week after week, just in time for the mid-week blahs. Well, here is another spectacular corner of this amazing planet, and it’s not even a place you’ve probably ever heard of before. There are just that many breath-taking places, that’s all. This time the location happens to be Norway. It’s …
You’ve made it halfway through the week – and you know what that means: it’s time to reward yourself with the celebrated Hump Day Hiatus, a brief diversionary excursion designed to leave you with that refreshed just-came-back-from-vacation feeling. Today’s destination is absolutely amazing. This is some stunning photography of a magnificent corner of the planet. I mean, wow. Personally, I’m …
Ever feel like this?
If so, remember each Wednesday’s “Hump Day Hiatus.” It’s the cure for the mid-week blahs. And blues. Make it a habit to visit here at least on Wednesdays, if not throughout the week. And remember: anytime you need an extra dose, just scroll back (or in this case down) in time to take in a few vintage Hiatii from previous …