Let’s call this a PSA

For all practical purposes, summer is over. If you don’t believe me, check your thermometer. Mine is heading to a predicted high of 98° although with the heat index it feels even hotter. That’s fall, right? Here, school starts tomorrow. That’s fall, right? And yet Labor Day is weeks away. There’s still time for a trip or two to the …

I’ve got the hots for summer.

Literally. Despite the headline hots, I’m no fan of hot weather. Summer is only one letter removed from simmer. Even so, there’s something about the arrival of summer that calls for celebration. Maybe it’s the vacationy feel of this season and the resulting outdoorsiness of summer; maybe it’s the long days; maybe it’s all the food we love to eat …


Boys and girls, it’s a time-honored tradition to eagerly await summer vacation for months – and then be completely bored before the first week of vacation is over. It happens, and it’s been happening for decades. So kids, don’t let your parents tell you they were different; they got bored during their summers too. • get out there Do stuff. …

Take a Hump Day hiatus

Remember the epic family road trips of yesteryear? Pack everybody into a station wagon with no AC and burn up a thousand miles or so, even though gas was an astronomical 29 cents a gallon. When it was all over, Mom would compile a bunch of curled black & white snapshots into a photo album never again to see the …

It’s the premiere of The Hump Day Hiatus!

Every Wednesday right here: a splendid, refreshing, cleansing, upbuilding – and brief – excuse to take the break you’ve earned. This inaugural break is 11 minutes you’re going to really enjoy. And don’t say out of today’s 1,440 minutes you can’t afford to spend 11. Don’t say that! It’s against the rules. Just sit back and enjoy.