Remember the epic family road trips of yesteryear? Pack everybody into a station wagon with no AC and burn up a thousand miles or so, even though gas was an astronomical 29 cents a gallon. When it was all over, Mom would compile a bunch of curled black & white snapshots into a photo album never again to see the light of day. Or Dad would finally get the grainy home movies developed and you’d get the chance to relive the trip weeks or months later.
That was then.
What follows is now, the 2012 version of the family vacation. This was probably all done on a camera phone and some $99 computer program. Even so, it’s pretty impressive. Hope it inspires you to chronicle your next trip, even if it’s just a few miles up the road – or in your own backyard. (This happens to be Spain, but it could just as easily have been Hilton Head or Clarks Hill – or your street.)