I don’t think any other post in the long and glorious history of the Hump Day Hiatus captures the spectacular beauty of this planet quite as well as this one does. It’s stunning, and begs to be watched in full-screen mode (click play, then on the 4-arrow icon in the lower right corner). The scenes you’re about to see were …
Five days old
Saw this someplace. Liked it. Decided to share it.
V is for Video
“And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day. And God said, ‘Let there be Thursday.’ And Thursday came to be. And God said, ‘Let there be videos.’ And there came to be videos.” This one, for instance, which we would like to dedicate to the Daniel Village Barber Shop, a longtime loyal sponsor …
And now for something completely different
Every day Augusta’s best – no, really – blog has its theme o’ the day. Sunday we’ve got church chat, Wednesday is the Hump Day Hiatus, et cetera. Except for Thursday. Thursday hasn’t had a theme – until now. Thursday is the 5th day of the week right? Announcing V is for Video herewith and henceforth, beginning right now. It …
The PSA of the Week
As school resumes for another year, here’s more than two dozen – 26, actually – things to help kids get off to a running start, courtesy of a stellar celebrity cast. Who said this blog isn’t educational? Won’t you shing along? Take it away, Ray.
Take a break from the web
Tired of surfing? Then let’s go surfing! Yes friends, it’s Wednesday, time for this week’s Hump Day Hiatus. This is not our first Hump Day surfing video, and it probably won’t be our last. What’s the deal? There is for us here at the world’s most salubrious blog a definite fascination with surfing. There is the sport itself which, like …
The Hiatus of Hump Day
What I like – actually, what I love – about this week’s Hump Day Hiatus is its message, an important one we would all do well to heed. WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE :: Short Film from Truce Films on Vimeo.
The World-Famous Hump Day Hiatus
Mama always said life is like the Hump Day Hiatus: you never know what you’re going to get. Boy did she ever call that. You really never know. Take this week’s, for instance. If you’re stressed and frazzled, this 63-second clip is guaranteed to provide stress relief. Guaranteed!
PSA of the Week?
Sort of. We’re going to make it the PSA of the Week whether it likes it or not. Here’s today’s question: are you afraid of shots? Or perhaps the question is, are you opposed to shots? There are people out there who reject on various grounds the vaccinations that have all but eradicated such scourges as polio and measles. In …
Wednesday: Hump Day
It’s time, therefore, for the world-renowned Hump Day Hiatus! We’re spanning the globe in search of brief interludes that will take you out of your cubicle (figurative or otherwise) for a few moments. Sometimes they’ll make you laugh, sometimes they’ll make you cry; sometimes they’re awe-inspiring, sometimes they’re just simple amusement. Sometimes they have a vital, possibly life-changing message; sometimes …