Party pooper alert! Apologies in advance. On second thought, the Medical Examiner should not apologize for offering a dose or two of food wisdom, on this, the holiest of days in the Church of the Eternally Growing Waistline. Yes, this is one of America’s biggest holidays, and its focus is two things, mainly: watching TV and eating. Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest food consumption day of the year after Thanksgiving. Americans will consume, according to one estimate, more than 33 million pounds of snacks today. Another study predicts that the typical SUPER Bowler (the home version, not the on-field version) will consume more than an entire day’s worth of calories during the game alone.
Here are a few ways to keep the damage to a minimum:
• Eat a healthful meal before the game, or before going to a Super Bowl Party. If you’re already full, you’ll be less tempted to pig out on game-time snack foods.
• Serve food away from the TV. If you and your guests have to get up and go into another room to replenish your plate, it will help curb mindless munching in front of the TV.
• Serve veggies like carrots and celery sticks and other healthy options.
• Send leftovers home with guests.