PSA of the Week

5052459ba9e91.imageAs Medical Examiner readers know, this week is National Suicide Prevention Week, and today is World Suicide Prevention Day. This week’s front page story (scroll down to read it) relates a number of sad statistics about suicide, including the statement that “every day more than 20… members of the US armed forces die by suicide.” The figures we have seen are 1 active duty person and 22 former soldiers, dying each and every day by their own hand.

Living in a city with a massive army base and two huge VA hospitals, this is a problem any one of us might be faced with – and might be able to help with. You may speak to a neighbor, a friend, or a perfect stranger later today who is battling feelings of hopelessness. Speak up. Reach out. The number shown on the image above (1-800-273-TALK) is a way to reach people who can help. Active duty or retired military who call can press 1 to reach people specifically dedicated to helping them. Help is there.

This short news clip offers a look into one lost life.

Victim’s mother speaks out about military suicide from News21 on Vimeo.

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