got NHS?

3767928125Have you ever lived – or are you currently living – in England? The Medical Examiner would like to talk to you about your experiences with NHS, the UK’s National Health Service, the oldest and largest system of universal healthcare in the world. Founded in 1948, it’s based on three core principles:
• That it meet the needs of everyone
• That it be free at the point of delivery
• That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay
nhs-logoWith Obamacare – admittedly in its infancy – a fiasco at this point, from this side of the pond it seems like NHS just purrs merrily along, doing its job quite well decade after decade. But what’s it like up-close and personal? Its founding principles are admirable, but does it work? We’re looking for people to interview, or people who would like to write a guest column about their personal experiences with NHS, good or bad.

NOT FROM ENGLAND? France has universal healthcare, and so does Canada. So do most countries around the world. Massachusetts has RomneyCare, said to be the model and inspiration for Obamacare. If you have personal experience with some kind of universal healthcare system, please contact the Medical Examiner. Just click above where it says Return to Medical Examiner and then look for the Contact Us option on the Main Menu.

THANKS IN ADVANCE! Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. The service I received on the NHS was great, far exceeded my expectations. The only reason I turned to USA was the NHS could not offer me a cure and I was looking for one. I got a cure by going.

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