Church of the Infinite Chasm

I’d like to attempt to make a basic point today on the heels of last week’s sermonette. You can read it if you wish by scrolling down to the post below dated January 5, but it’s not necessary to the argument I’m about to make. And I’ll also state in advance, this is not a smoking gun that refutes the teaching of evolution. Instead it’s just a point to ponder if you believe in evolution.

As another preamble, I’d like to remind readers that I have on numerous previous occasions written about the often insidious and harmful nature of “Christianity,” the kind that you just have to put in quotes because it’s such a unrecognizable version of the original article. (one example among several: And most non-Christian religions can be just as divisive and diabolical (a word whose root is “Diablo,” meaning Devil). Religions, by and large, don’t practice what they preach, from the top down to rank-and-file pew fillers.

As a result of the hypocrisy they see, more and more people have rejected formal, organized religion. The growing belief in evolution is a natural by-product of this trend. For these millions, there is no God or Higher Power. Man is at the top of the heap, and it’s the only heap there is.

Take a moment to ponder the state of the world. It’s not a total disaster, but no one could say it’s a runaway success, either. There are countless very serious problems facing mankind:
• poverty
• crime (subsets under this category: murder, rape, white collar crime, gangs, etc.)
• unemployment
• disease (subsets under this category: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)
• homelessness
• child abuse
• environmental damage (subsets under this category: urban sprawl, pollution, etc.)
• war (The death toll from war in just the 20th century was 35-40 million people)
• drug abuse
• corruption
• inflation
• hunger
• genocide (The non-war death toll from despotic regimes and genocide in 20th century has been estimated at 262 million)

Each of these problems affects millions of people every single day, and some of them affect billions. And this is merely the short list.
Can you name onejust one – of these problems for which there is a reliable, workable solution?

Science and technology are often looked to as the saviors of the modern world. But for one thing, aren’t science and technology the cause of many of these problems? And for another, can science and technology change human behavior? Can they remove prejudice? Nationalistic hate? Greed? Jealousy? In truth, along with their undeniable benefits, science and technology often provide new ways to abuse and victimize fellow humans.

My point is a simple one: in choosing to reject God, people have instead chosen human rule that is Dysfunctional with a capital D, a fact that we may not appreciate in the West nearly as much as billions of Third World citizens for whom daily life is often a grim struggle for survival.

But no one, whether living in Beverly Hills or Bangladesh, has immunity from crime, environmental issues, disease, or death. In “voting” for man rule, evolutionists have chosen what seems to be a hopeless future rife with problems and completely devoid of solutions.

Is that what you want?

“Categories: Church of the Infinite Chasm

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