I Hate Monday

Two things about blinkers I hate:

turn-signalNumber One: Let’s say you’re approaching a red light and there are eight cars already waiting there, seven of them in the right lane and just one in the left lane. You decide to go in behind the left lane guy because you’re already late for an appointment and you take note that his turn signal is not on. What happens next? The light goes green and at that moment he puts on his left turn signal and starts to creep forward. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT? I’ve seen it a hundred times. I’ve even been a passenger in cars where the driver waits until he gets a green light and then activates their turn signal. Seriously, why???

Number Two: When someone drives down the road for five miles with their blinker on. This is so unnecessary: a General Motors engineer named Otto von McSchleibenmeister solved his problem in 1959. His inexpensive device, “The Von McSchleibenmeister,” will sense that a blinker is left on and after exactly two minutes, or one mile (whichever comes first), it automatically makes the 90° turn the driver has indicated. Order this on your next car!

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