Church Chat

tumblr_mj5gq5tApV1rfiw3vo1_500 I am often struck, as I suspect you are too, by how commonly people accept things as established fact without the due diligence of personal study and investigation. On the subject of faith it is no different. And that is true pretty much across the board. It applies equally to the faith people have in science and the doctrine of evolution and the doctrines religions teach.

How many people who believe in evolution have read Charles Darwin’s seminal 1859 work? How many who accept evolution really question the conclusions scientists reach? I have written in this space (last September to be exact) about the scientist who, just in passing, made the statement that “our eyes evolved to be more receptive to blue” without offering a shred of evidence to support that statement. We will here stipulate that there is none to be offered beyond conjecture and speculation.

But to be fair, how many Christians can honestly say they’re Bible students? How many could find its book of Lamentations or Ruth if given 60 seconds to do so? How many could defend the very beliefs they claim to hold dear? Keep in mind, we’re talking about religious beliefs, so by definition the defense should be Bible-based (for Christian religions). That means if, for example, you believe that God tortures “bad” people in hellfire for all eternity, you should be able to open a Bible and turn to chapter and verse to support your belief. My strongly held belief is that (no matter who you are reading this) you will be unable to offer that proof.

How can I make such a sweeping statement? From personal experience. I’ve had many discussions with hellfire types over the years, from ordinary pew fillers to ordained ministers. Ninety percent (conservatively) couldn’t begin to mount a defense of any kind. The remaining ten percent could not explain why other verses in their own copy of the Bible clearly contradicted their “proof” verses.

And that’s a key part of any argument, whether it’s for a business plan at work or a Bible teaching or the teaching of evolution: to be able to offer supporting facts, figures, arguments and reasonings AND also be able to strongly overcome and refute objections.

So depending on your chosen set of beliefs, do this: challenge your minister. Or your scientist. Then listen and evaluate. And always keep an open mind.

Categories: Church of the Infinite Chasm”

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