Here it is. This Hump Day Hiatus is all over the map, with images from settings as diverse as ESPN’s Sports Center to a train yard under the stars. Taken together their sum is further proof that Planet Earth is one colossal and beautiful playground, (especially where humans haven’t messed it up). It’s a nice soundtrack from Ten Years After, …
Hump Day Hiatus
Or is it Hump Day Hiatii? Because today you can choose from two splendid offerings, both well worth your time. Option 1 is the latest incarnation of an on-going Hump Day Hiatus theme, that being this utterly spectacular planet. Today’s slice of paradise comes from Norway. I can have you there and back in five and a half minutes, but …
This is the kind of thing that is on many people’s lifetime must-see list: the spectacular light show of the aurora borealis, the northern lights. To whet your appetite, here’s an armchair journey to Technicolor Alaska. Suggestion: definitely watch this in full-screen mode. Technicolour Alaska from Alexis Coram on Vimeo.
Hump Day Hiatus
Since it’s hump day, you might be interested in a taking a little hiatus to recharge your batteries and get that all-important second wind to finish the remainder of the week in grand style. To accomplish that, I offer two quite worthy options. First, a kid with an absolutely spectacular outlook on life. He has a rare medical condition he …
Hump Day Hiatus
I’ve got a couple of cold mid-winter destinations for your hump day break this week. If you didn’t get to take a trip to Times Square for New Years Eve – or if you fell asleep in the La-Z-Boy before the stroke of midnight – we’ve got that cued up for you here: NYE Times Square from The Timelapse Group …
Church of the Infinite Chasm
If you attend Church of the Infinite Chasm regularly, you know our mission statement. The gist of it is that there are several infinite chasms. One is between the teachings of creation and evolution. At the risk of stating the obvious, you can’t believe in both. Yet many people do exactly that. (So we’re wrong; you can believe in both. …
The coolest Hump Day ever
Summer in Augusta so far hasn’t been the scorcher that it usually is, but that doesn’t mean it’s cool outside. It’s definitely closer to hot & steamy than cold. The antidote? It’s right here. Watch this and you’ll be shivering momentarily. (This is a free service brought to you by the Medical Examiner. Please view responsibly. Not responsible for frostbite.) …
You’re halfway through the week! It’s all downhill from here, so you’ve got it made. To kick off the second half of 2013’s Week #18, sit back and enjoy this spectacular display of night time awesomeness. I wish I could say I’ve seen the Northern Lights in person, but alas, that pleasure is still ahead for me. (Hope you watch …
Time for a Hump Day Hiatus
If this video says anything, it’s what a spectacular planet we live on. And beyond that, what an awe-inspiring universe too – at least the tiny fraction of it that can be seen with the naked eye. Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy (in full screen mode). Purely Pacific Northwest from John Eklund on Vimeo.
It’s Hump Day!!!
Yes, it’s Wednesday, many people’s favorite day of the week. Why? Because they get to enjoy the Medical Examiner’s weekly breath of fresh air, the celebrated Hump Day Hiatus. Today in this part of the world, temperatures are expected to reach triple-digits, but that’s not enough. No, weather people helpfully add several degrees to reach an even higher “feels like” …