Hump Day Hiatus

Since it’s hump day, you might be interested in a taking a little hiatus to recharge your batteries and get that all-important second wind to finish the remainder of the week in grand style.

To accomplish that, I offer two quite worthy options. First, a kid with an absolutely spectacular outlook on life. He has a rare medical condition he shares with a grand total of 300 other human beings on the entire planet, give or take, yet his attitude is bright and sunny and optimistic and completely devoid of self-pity. We should all take a lesson as Sam Berns shares his philosophy for having a happy life.

Second, I am addicted to and amazed by the ever-changing beauty of the sky above us, as regular hiatusees are well aware. Herewith, yet another installment of Theater Aloft. I just made that up, but it fits.

Huelux from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.

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