Evolution was once considered a theory, and a heretical one at that, at least in the view of some. Today, it seems the majority of scientists and the average man on the street has come to accept evolution as an established fact. Even ministers of religion seem to have thrown in the towel, and are trying to mix a little creation in with the “fact” of evolution: sort of the “God made the earth and the elements and Darwin took it from there” approach.
People who still believe in creation are viewed as hopelessly behind the times. Their quaint views are built on faith. In the popular view, faith is defined thusly: “Faith is when you believe in something without evidence to support it – or when all the evidence points in the opposite direction.”
That’s a cynical definition, of course. The Bible’s own definition is that faith is the assurance of “realities that are not seen.” Scientists have proven the existence of elements on the periodic table that had yet to be discovered. Ditto for various bodies in space. They had “faith” in something they could not see.
The belief in this small spot on the Internet is that the very scientists who scoff at faith exhibit mountains of it in their acceptance of evolution – hook, line, and sinker – as the sole cause of life. Do you have any idea what a tall order that is? No one even knows how many species of life there are on earth, but estimates run as high as 100 million. The variety of life forms is staggering in number, in variety, in habitats, in the keys to survival from one species to the next.
Whether we’re talking about sharks, peacocks, cheetahs, guppies, Monarch butterflies, copperheads, cows, eagles, seals, lightning bugs, Sequoias, earthworms, bison, rabbits, Snow monkeys, or any one of a million other life forms, every living thing is made up of individual cells – billions of them – that scientists stand in awe of, variously describing them by such metaphors as complex walled cities with armies for their defense, sophisticated communications networks, chemical factories of amazing efficiency and prodigious production capacity.
Is it blind faith to believe something the brightest human minds cannot duplicate or even fully comprehend was designed and built by a creator? Or is it blind faith to believe life in all its shapes and forms – right down to the cellular and molecular level – came about through random accidents and blind chance?
What do you think?
“Categories: Church of the Infinite Chasm”