New Year’s Resolutions may be going the way of pet rocks and Justin Bieber, but they’re not quite dead yet. There are many among us who are on Day 14 of their new lives without cigarettes. Others are getting more exercise, cutting back on TV watching, and eating better. These are great goals.
The experts say one secret to success is to set measurable goals. Instead of something vague like, “Get more exercise,” it’s better to establish specific targets such as, “Walk 30 minutes 4 times a week” or even better, “Walk 30 minutes on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.”
Another common goal this time of year is weight loss. Again, specificity is good, and as an added bonus it’s a fun word to say. Instead of “lose weight,” a better goal would be more specific, like “Lose 3 pounds this month.” Then set another specific target to reach for February.
Here are ten surprisingly simple ideas to help you eat less. Maybe not every one will apply to your situation, but if even half of them do, that’s five additional strategies you’ve got on your side.