HOT off the press

It may currently be 18 degrees outside, but the Medical Examiner is always hot off the press. I mean, we’ve got former Playmate of the Year Jenny McCarthy on page one – in the buff no less. What’s hotter than that? Answer: Meredith Anderson of WRDW. She’s on page one too. And Austin Rhodes. And we’re not even off the …

Here it is: today’s paper.

And full of information it is. We have headline news: the debate over assisted suicide sparked by Brittany Maynard’s death in Oregon. And Westminster, Massachusetts, the town trying to ban all tobacco sales. What do you think? But that’s just Page One. Inside there are healthy recipes for things like brownies! And “Ask The Doctor,” Pharmacy 411, Bad Billy Laveau …

Extra! Extra!

Here it is, today’s Medical Examiner. It features a lot in just 16 pages: the usual faves like the world’s only Augusta-based crossword puzzle with clues only locals will get and a semi-wicked Sudoku and two other word puzzles (for brain health). Then you’ve got your Pharmacy 411, a delicious AND healthful recipe (for popsicles) as well as all the …


That, ladies and gentlemen, is our message to you. Summer is peak season for fruit. And fruit is peak performance fuel, chock full o’ vitamins, fiber, and plain old wonderful flavors. Eat some every day. As usual, there’s plenty of fruity and fruit-free reading packed into all 16 pages. Dive in!

Today’s smokin’ Examiner

Can’t believe I didn’t post this first thing this morning here. It was online at bright and early, though. Just in time for Saturday breakfast, this issue’s cover story: how Victorians chowed down big time and didn’t suffer the consequences. And how you and I can party like it’s 1899. Hint: the key is what we do when we’re …

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Ah yes, the digital edition, always a perfect print job. In this sterling issue, The Money Doctor offers rock-solid money advice for everyman, not just the guy with $100,000 to invest. WORD FIND: Look for these words on the following pages: “GOT HEP C?” If you do, a cure has been found. Read all about it. The blog spot has …

We have issues.

It seems like every two weeks or so another issue comes up. This one, for example, features a cover story highlighting recommendations made by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in observance of March as National Nutrition Month. A good diet may not always cancel the need for medications, but it cannot be denied that a poor diet can cancel …

Hear that barking?

No, Timmy has not fallen in the well, silly. It’s Lassie bringing in today’s paper! Just wipe off that doggie spit and read the shocking stats about education and its lifelong impact on health. You want more shocking? Read the latest update on the silky-smooth rollout of Obamacare. You want more shocking than that? Read the headline on page 6 …

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Hear the sound of that squeaky Schwinn pedaling away? That means your morning paper has arrived, you Most Salubrious Newspaper. In this issue, we ask, “Have we unleashed another Jonestown massacre – every day?” And while we’re on that subject, “As long as the Kool Aid is laced with cyanide, does it really matter what flavor it is?” That being …

Very warm off the press!

Yes, it’s yet another issue of The World’s Most Salubrious Newspaper, the Medical Examiner. (The print edition, to clarify, is Augusta’s Most Salubrious Newspaper.) This issue is, as usual, chock full of splendid reading that will encourage you to live, eat, and sleep healthier. Our 3-word mantra: health, wellness, medicine. As this issue illustrates, sometimes the medicine comes in the …